“Storytelling is
the most
powerful way
to put ideas
into the world
Robert McAfee Brown
with Alan Bean, whisk them away to a tea party at the Plaza, or send them into the forests of Gombe to study chimpanzees. It can bring us to the edge of our seats, or have us rolling on the floor in laughter. It can inspire us to take a leap of faith. In the hands of a good storyteller, even a single elevator ride down can make us feel like we are in another world, living a different life.
OZ Creative Co. is on a mission to fill the world with high-quality content for children, and to help other creators and writers do the same. OZ Creative Co. specializes in children’s content, fiction and nonfiction, offering professional editorial services including content consultations, manuscript critiques, developmental editing, and book coaching. I have additional writing experience in adult fiction, ghostwriting, brand and product strategy and copy, and creative concept pitches and presentations. Whatever the format, I will work hand-in-hand with you to bring your content to life with focus, creativity, quality, and passion.
great story can transport us to so many places. It can blast a reader off to the moon