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Individual services & pricing


Content Consultation 

In our 30-minute video content consultation, I'll review your idea and brainstorm with you to establish a clear direction and move-forward steps so you feel confident executing a rough draft of your idea or story.  

What your session includes:

 ● 30-minute video call

 ● Answers to industry questions 

 ● Follow-up check-in via email

Board & Picture Books $150

Middle Grade $175

YA & Adult $215


Outline Review 

I will review and mark up your existing outline, including feedback regarding structure, user/reader experience, and target audience to help ensure that the building block of your future project is strong and organized. 

What this service includes:

  ● Critique of outline mark-up of questions, comments, or suggestions

  ● 1-2 page editorial letter including my overall assessment of the outline and big picture suggestions

  ● 30-minute video call to review the feedback

  ● Follow-up check-in via email

Middle Grade $400

YA & Adult $550

Other Content 450


Manuscript Critique

With this service, I will offer you a critical editorial review of your manuscript draft – whether it’s your first draft or your fiftieth. I’ll review and mark-up your manuscript for big-picture elements, including character development, tone, plot, and pacing. 

What this service includes:

 ● Critique of manuscript with mark-up of questions, comments, or suggestions

 ● 1-2 page editorial letter including my overall assessment of the outline and big picture suggestions

 ● 30-minute video call to review the feedback

 ●  Follow-up check-in via email

Board & Picture Books $300

Middle Grade $450

YA & Adult $500


Voice Workshop

Readers long to make emotional connections between themselves and the characters they read about – be they fiction or nonfiction; workshopping your voices with me can help set you and your characters on the right path.

What this service includes:

 ● Critique of project or manuscript with mark-up of questions, comments, and suggestions focused specifically on character or narrator voice

 ● 45-minute video call to review the feedback

 ●  Follow-up check-in via email

Board & Picture Books $300

Middle Grade $450

YA & Adult $500


Developmental Edit

In addition to a manuscript critique, where I’ll review, comment, and make suggestions about big-picture elements including character development, tone, plot, and pacing, I will also provide a thorough line edit of your manuscript.

What this service includes:

 ● Complete edit of manuscript with line edit and mark-up of questions, comments, or suggestions

 ● 1-2 page editorial letter including my overall assessment of the outline and big picture suggestions

 ● 45-Minute video call to review feedback together

 ●  Follow-up check-in via email

 ●  Final manuscript review

Board & Picture Books $500

Middle Grade $650

YA & Adult $800


Dummy or Storyboard Critique

My review of your dummy or storyboard will assess both your words and pictures as equal partners in the storytelling, and offer you feedback regarding how they can better work together to make your story as seamless and powerful as it can be. 

What this service includes:

 ● 30-minute video call

 ● Answers to industry questions 

 ● Follow-up check-in via email

 ● Critique of manuscript with mark-up of questions, comments, or suggestions

 ● 1-2 page editorial letter including my overall assessment of the outline and big picture suggestions

 ● 45-minute video call to review the feedback

 ●  Follow-up check-in via email

Board & Picture Books $600

Middle Grade $750


Query Letter Prep

If you plan to send a submission to agents, you’ll need to write a query letter. With this service, I will provide you with guidance and editorial feedback on how to write a great query letter. First, I will review your project and compose a customized Query Letter Tip Sheet. The tip sheet will provide you with guidance for how to frame your letter, including (but not limited to): highlighting your project’s strongest assets, offering tips on how to write copy, and providing ways to personalize your letter for different recipients. It will also include some research and suggestions regarding what agencies would be a good fit for your project and needs. 

When you have a completed draft to share, I will review it and provide you with specific written comments and feedback. The review will be followed up with a video call to walk through the feedback together and discuss questions you have.


Finally, I will review one round of the revised letter and offer any outstanding thoughts or suggestions.

What this service includes:

● Query Letter Tip Sheet 

● 2 rounds of editorial feedback

● One 30-minute video call to review the initial feedback

● Follow-up check-in via email

Board & Picture Books $350

Middle Grade $400

YA & Adult $450

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